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Wind turbines

Maintaining wind turbines along with their associated installations in proper condition is a significant challenge. The primary goal of wind turbine maintenance is to extend its operational uptime between planned shutdowns and minimize the risk of failures.

As a company with extensive experience in repairs, we can offer a range of services related to wind turbine maintenance.


Disassembly of the wind turbine gearbox is commonly employed to conduct a comprehensive diagnosis of its components and determine the cause of its stoppage or failure.

Board of directors

Chief Executive Officer: Paweł Makowski
Vice-President / Chief Financial Officer Jarosław Kaźmierczyk
Vice-President / Chief Operating Officer: Daniel Deorocki


Metal Expert Sp. z o.o.
00-195 Warsaw,
Słomińskiego Str., 5/231

Office in Elblag – Kwiatkowskiego

Metal Expert Sp. z o.o
Main plant in Elblag
82-300 Elbląg, Kwiatkowskiego Str., 14

Office in Elblag – Stoczniowa

Metal Expert Sp. z o.o.
82-300 Elbląg, Stoczniowa Str., 2
tel. +48 55 239 14 01

Metal Expert